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Reverse glass painting, or Verre églomisé, is the amazing art of painting on the back of glass.

Our Georgian girl is most likely, going by the black outline, the intense vibrant colours, plus the subject style, a Chinese import dating to the mid 20th Century.

The Chinese have used this technique for a few centuries now, from grand landscapes for the landed gentry in the 18th century to beautiful vibrant pieces like this in the 19th and 20th Centuries, most were for the western market, and eagerly snapped up too.

The frame is original and has some damage, there are a couple of paint "pops" on her hair and dress where maybe a paint bubble has popped?...but so minor you can barely see.

A lovely substantial piece our little Georgian girl is "just" an adorable, clever, well executed piece of portraiture lovely enough for any wall.

  • Period:
    • Price: £495.00
    • €590 Euro
    • $641 US Dollar
  • Location: Warwickshire
    • Dimensions: H: 68.5cm (26.97in)
    • W: 49cm (19.29in)
    • D: 0cm (0.00in)