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Scratch Built Battleship Made From a Shop Display Smiths Crisp's Tin & Britains Sailors.

Completely one of a kind this must have been a real labour of love, and what talent to make it, an early 20th Century hand made Dreadnought battleship made from a Shop Display circa 1920's Smiths Crisps tin topped with Britains Ltd Hollowcast Lead sailors.

The work that has gone into this must have made K.Coulbeck of Grimsby (name stamped on the bottom) very proud, and what a great idea to make it out of the crisps tin, maybe it reminded him of the ships he could have seen with all of those wild designs, the Dazzle camouflage used by the Royal Navy in the first world war which used crazy designs painted on the ships to confuse the enemy, like the RMs Mauretania and The Dreadnought itself covered in green, blue and grey diamond shapes and triangles, the colour of this boat is very similar.

Maybe K.Coulbeck saw the tins everyday, maybe he was the shop owner, and the colouring brought the ships to mind.

Wherever the idea came from the level of expertise on this boat is awe inspiring.

Standing 36cm in height (to mast) and 45cm from (rudder) end to end and weighing 1.80 kg this piece is in a class of its own, rare and special, distinctive and unique.

Where will you ever find another.

We love it.



  • Period:
    • Price: £1,450.00
    • €1,728 Euro
    • $1,878 US Dollar
  • Location: Warwickshire