Decorative Collective -

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This finely carved marble statue, likely from the early 17th century, represents a religious protector, possibly John the Baptist, a figure deeply revered in Italian communities. The figure stands with an animal skin draped over his shoulder and a lamb at his feet, symbolising Christ as the Lamb of God (Agnus Dei).

The inscription, "Nostro Protettore alla Compagnia del Carro del Vento" ("Our Protector of the Company of the Wind Chariot"), indicates a local dedication from a guild or association involved with wind-dependent activities, such as navigation, trade, or agriculture. Likely originating from coastal regions like Venice or Genoa, where favorable winds were crucial for maritime trade, or from agricultural communities in Tuscany or Umbria, this statue would have been commissioned by a community seeking protection over natural elements essential to their livelihood.

A beautiful example of 17th-century Italian Baroque art, this statue blends classical influences with Christian and pastoral iconography, making it a unique piece of historical and religious significance.


  • Period: Baroque
    • Price: £16,000.00
    • €19,205 Euro
    • $20,752 US Dollar
  • Location: Yorkshire
    • Dimensions: H: 83cm (32.68in)
    • W: 33cm (12.99in)
    • D: 20cm (7.87in)