Decorative Collective -

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Item Details

Impressively large shop display cabinet or vitrine c.1950. Glazed top with large plate glass sliding doors and fitted inside with two 8mm plate glass shelves (depth 10"). Good quality brass centre brackets, brass trim to the bottom of the doors which run smoothly on little wheels within a brass track top and bottom. Moulded cornice over canted corners with carved acanthus detail and glazed sides. Raised on a separate base with scrolling wrought iron apron, legs and stretchers over a moulded plinth. Original pale green painted exterior with some minor wear. The inside has been freshly painted pale grey. Recently fitted with spotlights in the top (untested). Very good condition.

  • Period: c.1950
    • Price: £1,495.00
    • €1,782 Euro
    • $1,936 US Dollar
  • Location: Wales
    • Dimensions: H: 81cm (31.89in)
    • W: 69cm (27.17in)
    • D: 15cm (5.91in)