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Item Details

'Galaxy' by Waldemar Frome. Denmark 2014.

Large contemporary oil, acrylic and water colour abstract expressionist painting on canvas.

Professionally framed in a black hand painted solid wood floating frame.

Waldemar Frome is a talented young Danish contemporary artist. Each canvas takes Waldemar several months to complete, with multiple layers of oil, acrylic and water colour paints applied in impulsive, spontaneous bursts in his unique ‘action painting' style. Waldemar has sold his paintings to art investors, private collectors, art dealers and galleries around the World including New York, London, Moscow, Tokyo & Monte Carlo.

  • Period: 2014
    • Price: £3,500.00
    • €4,171 Euro
    • $4,533 US Dollar
  • Location: Kent
    • Dimensions: H: 100cm (39.37in)
    • W: 150cm (59.06in)
    • D: 5cm (1.97in)