Decorative Collective -

Sellers's Details


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Item Details

Circa 1820. A solid camphour wood and brass bound campaign chest of drawers in three parts, the top section with a profusely carved three quarter gallery (removable) over two short drawers with one long drawer beneath, the bottom section with two full length drawers, all with stylish brass escutcheons and handles, with brass straps, corner braces and sturdy brass lifting handles to the sides, all resting on four elegant turned feet.

  • Period: Circa 1820
    • Price: £2,450.00
    • €2,913 Euro
    • $3,153 US Dollar
  • Location: Scotland
    • Dimensions: H: 126cm (49.61in)
    • W: 102cm (40.16in)
    • D: 48cm (18.90in)