Decorative Collective -

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Item Details

Circa 1820. A monumental George the IV carved and gilded overmantel mirror probably by ’William Trotter of Edinburgh’ The top centered by a scallop shell with a seated cherub holding swags with lovely foliate carving above the mirror, the frame has every aspect of fine carving including; C-scrolls, S-scrolls, foliate carving, flowers and pierced sections, with sinuous carving from top to bottom, the base two small cherubs with one leg sitting on a scroll. The mirror retains its original back and slip with new mirror plate.

  • Period: Circa 1820
    • Price: £15,000.00
    • €17,787 Euro
    • $19,400 US Dollar
  • Location: Scotland
    • Dimensions: H: 300cm (118.11in)
    • W: 215cm (84.65in)
    • D: 0cm (0.00in)