Decorative Collective -

Sellers's Details


Tel: +44 (0)1254 389559

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Item Details

A tall and large mid century pottery lamp with incised bands of decoration. Italy, 1950s.
Rewired with 3m fabric flex, patinated safety-switched lampholder, 3amp traditional phenolic plug. Pat tested.
Dimensions in inches/cms;
26"/66cm tall inc. lampholders..
7"/18cm base diameter.
Weight 5.25kg.
For more / higher res images please see my blog which can be accessed through the news section of this (haes) website.


  • Period: 1950s
    • Price: £495.00
    • €587 Euro
    • $640 US Dollar
  • Location: Lancashire
    • Dimensions: H: 66cm (25.98in)
    • W: 18cm (7.09in)
    • D: 18cm (7.09in)