Decorative Collective -

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Item Details

A large alabaster table lamp with baluster shaft on cube pedestal and moulded square plinth. Italian, approx. mid century.
This gem of a lamp has had a full refurb and rewired with 3m fabric flex, bronzed brass safety-switched lampholder, 3amp traditional phenolic plug. New fabric base. Pat tested.
Dimensions in inches/cms;
22.75"/58cm tall inc. lampholder.
5.5"/14cm x 5.5"/14cm base.
Weight 6.2kg.

  • Period: mid c
    • Price: £885.00
    • €1,055 Euro
    • $1,146 US Dollar
  • Location: Lancashire
    • Dimensions: H: 58cm (22.83in)
    • W: 14cm (5.51in)
    • D: 14cm (5.51in)