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Early 20th Century Lines Brothers tri-ang dapple grey rocking horse is a classic children’s toy from the early 1900s. Lines Brothers was a British toy manufacturer that produced a range of toys, including rocking horses, under the triang brand. This particular rocking horse is made of tulipwood, with a dapple grey finish that mimics the coat of a real horse. It has a carved head with realistic features, such as glass eyes, and a flowing mane and tail made of real horsehair. The horse sits on a sturdy wooden frame that is designed to rock back and forth, providing hours of entertainment for young children.

  • Period: Circa 1920
    • Price: £3,900.00
    • €4,644 Euro
    • $5,038 US Dollar
  • Location: Gloucestershire
    • Dimensions: H: 112cm (44.09in)
    • W: 120cm (47.24in)
    • D: 39cm (15.35in)