Decorative Collective -

Sellers's Details



Email: [email protected]

Item Details

This is the largest early 19th century cheval mirror I have seen and is of fabulous quality and beautiful timber. Please note that although perfectly functional ( I have used it for 20 years! ) it does have several faults and has been strengthened with a metal bar and has possibly had an extra bar added ( about 100 years ago?). There are numerous losses to the veneer and castors seized and missing rollers. It is therefore being sold as a renovation project. Please also note this item is in the French alps so will need a courier / transporter.

  • Period:
    • Price: £900.00
    • €1,072 Euro
    • $1,163 US Dollar
  • Location: France
    • Dimensions: H: 183cm (72.05in)
    • W: 105cm (41.34in)
    • D: 58cm (22.83in)