Decorative Collective -

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Item Details

A lovely, antique, French, Louis-Philippe period (1830-48) mirror with an etched gilt frame decorated with an undulating leaf and flower design. A delicate row of beading runs around the sight edge (edge closest to the mirror glass) and incurving bands of plain gilding run either side of the outcurving etched section. Where this mirror has been dusted for almost 200 years, the gilding has thinned in places revealing the terracotta bole beneath. This gives the mirror frame a warm colouration as well as enhancing the design. The original, mercury glass is in excellent condition with just a hint of age, sparkles along the base and gives an excellent reflection and the stamps on the back of the mirror show that it was made by E Rollet in Paris. This mirror would make a beautiful overmantel.

  • Period:
    • Price: £1,690.00
    • €2,009 Euro
    • $2,175 US Dollar
  • Location: Dorset
    • Dimensions: H: 142cm (55.91in)
    • W: 103cm (40.55in)
    • D: 0cm (0.00in)