Email: [email protected] is fabulous! Its a vintage Miao festival skirt that has been mounted on a linen covered canvas. The skirt is heavily pleated with over 4.5 M fabric so it fans out beautifully into a circle. It consists of an indigo resist hemp body with a very deep border of applique and silk embroidery. It is all hand done and would have taken many months if not years to complete. I haven't seen one with a border this deep, usually there is more indigo hemp and less applique and embroidery. These skirts are worn as part of a decorative costume at festivals when all the local villages will meet to trade and the girls adorned in their costumes would be on the look out for future husbands. This skirt is a record of a vanishing culture as well as being a beautiful thing to look at.
I can source a Perspex cover if required. These are useful to protect against UV light damage and dust. But it can be hung without.