Decorative Collective -

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Item Details

An Amazing Brutalist Sculpture by Michel Lucotte, b 1931. Created in 1963 by the Artist and belonging to a similar themed 'Anvil' series, this sculpture is unique and took a year to make. This work of Art displays exceptional detail and balanced form whilst being viewed from every conceivable angle. In our view, it arguably exemplifies the artist's best period of work in portraying Brutalist Form. Welded and patinated steel.

  • Period: 1963
    • Price: Above £5,000.00
    • Above €5,959 Euro
    • Above $6,476 US Dollar
  • Location: Yorkshire
    • Dimensions: H: 56cm (22.05in)
    • W: 137cm (53.94in)
    • D: 65cm (25.59in)