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Item Details

19th French bronze chandelier of palatial proportions and exquisite quality. 

This magnificent 30-light chandelier has a pierced domed corona supported by five beautifully cast solid bronze male caryatid supports, above scrolled acanthus tiers each with two branches with dished foliate drip pans and baluster nozzles, a spreading body joined at the base by a pierced guilloche ring hung with lambrequinned drapery and issuing double then triple branches, supported by winged maidens with single branches to a lower ring. 

Originally purchased by the Pennington Mellor family for Villa Francon, Biarritz, France, then to their London home, Southside House, Wimbledon. 

For a similar chandelier, presumably by the same maker, Knebworth House the great banqueting hall, bought by Robert, First Earl of Lytton, British Ambassador in Paris (1887-91).

  • Period:
    • Price: £36,000.00
    • €42,901 Euro
    • $46,627 US Dollar
  • Location: London
    • Dimensions: H: 180cm (70.87in)
    • W: 145cm (57.09in)
    • D: 145cm (57.09in)