Decorative Collective -

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Item Details

This is a fabulous and framed antique painting that features the Scotish Douglas Clan Family crest. Discovered recently in the South of France, this painting on a wooden board dates from the 19th century. Filled with captivating symbology [crowns, stars, sacred heart, green men] this highly decorative treasure is wonderful in its artistic imagination as well as a certain fairytile quality that is just gorgeous. Recently the painting was framed ina black wood frame measuring about 34 x 36 x 4.5 cm or approximately 13.3 x 14.1 x 1.7 inches. It is exactly as I discovered it. For the full condition please refer to the images!

  • Period: 1800's
    • Price: £673
    • €800 Euro
    • $871 US Dollar
  • Location: Italy
    • Dimensions: H: 34cm (13.39in)
    • W: 36cm (14.17in)
    • D: 4.5cm (1.77in)