Decorative Collective -

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Item Details

An elegant antique art nouveau glazed stoneware sundial circa 1900, likely Doulton or Leeds Fireclay Company (LEFCO). This sundial was reclaimed from a garden in Suffolk.

With its angular pedestal, buff toned glaze and art nouveau foliage and berry details, this antique sundial will make a beautiful feature of any outdoor space. You can just imagine it at the centre of a golden Cotswold stone walled garden or at the meeting point of four cobble stoned paths.

The bronze dial is not original, but it is a good match, spuriously dated 1705.


Dial ø 25.5cm (10.03 in)
Pedestal height: 101 cm (39.76 in)
Pedestal top: 36 x 36cm (15.35 in)
Pedestal base: 44 x 44 cm (17.32 in)


Good structural condition. Weathered and chipped, particularly to base. One historic repair to corner. Pedestal will require cementing or fixing together. Transports as 3 pieces. Unstamped.

  • Period: Circa 1900
    • Price: £4,475.00
    • €5,356 Euro
    • $5,795 US Dollar
  • Location: Worcestershire
    • Dimensions: H: 108cm (42.52in)
    • W: 44cm (17.32in)
    • D: 44cm (17.32in)