Decorative Collective -

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Item Details

A large and monumental Italian carved Carrara marble mascaron of Poseidon or Neptune after the late 16th century ‘Fontana del Mascherone’ by Bartolomeo Bassi. At more than 90cm tall and over 80cm wide, this huge sculptural mask is very impressive. It could be used in an interior as a statement wall decor piece or outside as a striking, mythical wall fountain in a courtyard garden.

Inspired by Greek mythology, this impressive wall mask is thought to depict the Greek Poseidon or the Roman Neptune, God of the Sea. With curled hair and a great crown atop his head, beard fringed with gills and great, imposing eyes, this mascaron has a formidable air about him which is certain to make an impression in any setting. Flanked to the base by two stylised fish or dolphins.


Good structural condition. Weathered, worn surface appearance. Lightly stained and discoloured in places. Mouth has holes that would allow water to pass through if using as a fountain.

  • Period:
    • Price: £64,975.00
    • €78,054 Euro
    • $84,143 US Dollar
  • Location: Worcestershire
    • Dimensions: H: 91cm (35.83in)
    • W: 83cm (32.68in)
    • D: 13cm (5.12in)