Tel: +44 (0)1981 541155
Email: [email protected] pair of large antique fire dogs depicting religious scenes, dating to circa 1860. Their shining bronze large scale panels, of Baroque style, are constructed to iron, which would allow them to stand proud next to a fireplace; perhaps in the main room of a country or period property.
Four religious and biblical scenes are showcased on each fire dog. The first appears to be Samson wrestling a lion, as in the Book of Judges. While the second shows two men, one being Samson carrying city gates, while the other follows.
The third depicts the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and the names Magadeleine and Marie (Mary) - two of three people that visit him at the cross.
The fourth is Adam and Eve picking the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Additional information
Overall measurements are for each fire dog.
Overall weight is combined. Weight of each fire dog is 25kg (55.1lbs).
Good structural condition.