Small Oil Painting 'Steeple Chase'
Stock No
- £275.00
- €331 Euro
- $346 US Dollar
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Item Description
Unframed, small oil on canvas painting of a steeple chase. Two horses with jockeys in their silks are taking a jump over a fence.
Beautifully painted and signed by the artist E. Guillon 1924, to the lower left.
Item Info
Seller Location
Tetbury, Gloucestershire
Item Dimensions
H: 16cm W: 25cm D: 1.5cm
First quarter 20th Century
Item Location
United Kingdom
Seller Location
Tetbury, Gloucestershire
Item Location
United Kingdom
Seller Contact No
+44 (0)7792 139252
+33 (0)6 73 61 79 54