Set Of 12 Dining Chairs And Mahogany Table
Stock No
- £4,000.00
- €4,743 Euro
- $5,173 US Dollar
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Item Description
Circa 1980 a quality dining table and set of 12 chairs probably by ‘Arthur Brett of Norwich’, the twin pillar dining table in well figured mahogany with 1 extra leaf with rounded corners moulded fore-edge the tops rest on a pair of cannon barrel stems, issuing 3 hip cabriole legs terminating on a brass toe with brass castors beneath, the set of 12 mahogany Chippendale style chairs the set consists of 10 side and 2 armchairs, the shaped cresting rail with carved and pierced backs, the curvaceous arms supported on curved uprights, with stuff over seats, supported on reeded legs all the legs braced by conforming stretchers.
Table 73cm High x 122cm Wide 178-269 leaf insert
Largest Chair99cm High x 59cm Wide x 51cm Deep
Item Info
Seller Location
Edinburgh, Scotland, Scotland
Circa 1980
Item Location
United Kingdom
Seller Location
Edinburgh, Scotland, Scotland
Item Location
United Kingdom
Seller Contact No
+44 (0)131 5537286
+44 (0)7836 283669