Acornman Handmade Oak Coffee Table
Stock No
- £690.00
- €830 Euro
- $857 US Dollar
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Item Description
Circa 1960. Acornman handmade oak coffee table. The rectangular adzed top with chamfered edges on shaped trestles with a deep cross stretcher retained by pegs above shaped plinth bases.
The Yorkshire Critter Carvers comprise of over 40 craftsmen, working from the 1940s to the present day, who made oak furniture inspired by Robert “Mouseman” Thompson of Kilburn, Yorkshire. Many of these Critter Carvers trained in Thompson’s Kilburn workshop before setting up their own craft shops. Using the same native oak material, traditional hand tools and traditional techniques (especially adzed surfaces) as utilised by “Mouseman” Thompson, each craftsman created a signature carved ‘critter’ such as an animal/bird (squirrel, beaver or woodpecker, e.g. “Woodpeckerman”, “Squirrelman” or “Beaverman”), acorn or human icon (e.g. “Knightman” or “Vikingman”) to decorate and act as a signature to identify their own pieces. The historical significance of Mouseman Thompson’s designs and style, the fine traditional craftmanship, functional nature and beauty of Yorkshire Critter Carver’s oak furniture is enduring, and is reflected in the continued demand and robust prices for these items.
Item Info
Seller Location
Edinburgh, Scotland, Scotland
Item Dimensions
H: 45cm W: 91cm D: 41cm
Circa 1960
Item Location
United Kingdom
Seller Location
Edinburgh, Scotland, Scotland
Item Location
United Kingdom
Seller Contact No
+44 (0)131 5537286
+44 (0)7836 283669