19Th Century English Marine Oil Painting
Stock No
- £1,350.00
- €1,634 Euro
- $1,714 US Dollar
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Item Description
A nicely executed mid C19th British School oil on canvas, depicting a clipper vessel named ‘Jennie’, with other vessels and cliffs of Dover in the background, and realistic seas. Set in a carved gilt wood frame. Circa 1850.
H: 46 cm (18 1/8")
W: 75 cm (29 1/2")
D: 4 cm (1 9/16")
Price includes free delivery throughout the UK.
Item Info
Seller Location
Warwickshire, Warwickshire
Item Dimensions
H: 46cm W: 75cm D: 4cm
Circa 1850
Item Location
United Kingdom
Seller Location
Warwickshire, Warwickshire
Item Location
United Kingdom
Seller Contact No
+44 (0)7789 602186