A Large Bronze By Maurice Perrenoud
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Item Description
a large 1960s abstract bronze sculpture by maurice perrenoud. A well drawn and executed sculpture with lovely colour and patina by this very accomplished artist. As both painter and sculptor, perrenoud studied and understood abstract form very well, as is evident with his many works, some of which reside within institutions and the public space in his native switzerland.
born in 1914 in petits-ponts. Died 2007. Lausanne studied at the school of art de la chaux-de-fonds.
teaches "free and artistic expression" in a school for handicapped children. Organizes in 1956 the international exhibition of "art at school", at the palais de rumine, lausanne.
in parallel with teaching, paints and exhibits in several galleries. Devoted himself exclusively to sculpture, painting and drawing since 1972.
member of the spsas (society of swiss painters.
sculptors and architects), president of the vaud section from 1976 to 1979.
Item Info
Seller Location
Yorkshire, Yorkshire
Item Dimensions
H: 79cm W: 37cm D: 32cm
Item Location
United Kingdom
Seller Location
Yorkshire, Yorkshire
Item Location
United Kingdom
Seller Contact No
+44(0)7702 099919