A C19th Continental Oil Painting Of Man & Child
Stock No
- £295.00
- €357 Euro
- $374 US Dollar
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Item Description
A C19th Framed and Glazed Continental Oil On Board of a Man & Child. The man in traditional open necked shirt and waistcoat, possibly Tyrolean, with child on his knee. The angelic child with musical instrument and fixed in a thoughtful gaze. Nicely executed and housed in a deep oak frame. Highly decorative with good colours.
Aperture size is roughly 27cm H x 18cm W
Item Info
Seller Location
East Sussex, Sussex
Item Dimensions
H: 43cm W: 33cm D: 3cm
19th Century
Item Location
United Kingdom
Seller Location
East Sussex, Sussex
Item Location
United Kingdom
Seller Contact No
+44 (0)1435 863535
+44 (0)7771 682942